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   博士 教授(二级) 博士生导师  



   实验室:礼勤楼 813





Nature Commun.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.Adv. Funct. Mater.、Nano EnergyChem. Mater.Appl. Catal. B: Environ.SmallChem. Commun.等国际期刊发表学术论文100余篇,论文累计被引用10000余次(H-index指数:50+)。获授权中国发明专利25件。



  • 1990.9-1993.7 宿州师范专科学校

  • 1998.9-2001.7 安徽大学,获硕士学位

  • 2001.9-2004.6 中国科学院固体物理研究所,获博士学位


  • 2004~至今 维多利亚3308老品牌,维多利亚3308老品牌,教授

  • 2004-2005 香港中文大学,物理系,访问学者


  • 无机功能材料合成、结构调控及应用

  • 面向能源、环境领域应用的新型功能材料的制备和能量存储

  • 纳米材料、金属团簇及单原子催化剂的制备、性能调控和催化应用


  • 材料结构与现代表征技术

  • 材料物理与化学


  • 分散特性可控的负载型贵金属催化剂的合成及催化加氢性能和机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,60.0万元,主持,2022.1-2025.12

  • 非化学计量过渡金属氧化物及其衍生物的制备及催化性能研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,66.0万元,主持,2019.1-2022.12

  • 原子尺度催化剂分散度调控及其能源小分子催化性能和机制,安徽省高校协同创新项目,50.0万元,主持,2021.3-2023.2

  • 气溶胶喷雾辅助合成复杂介孔金属氧化物电极材料及其性能研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,90.0万元,主持,2015.1-2018.12,结题。

  • Yolk-Shell纳米结构的设计、合成及其催化性能研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,80.0万元,主持,2013.1-2016.12,结题。

  • 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划50.0万元,主持,20121-201412月,结题。

  • 金属纳米结构在有机催化合成中的应用研究,教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金,12.0万元,主持,2013.1-2015.12,结题。

  • 安徽省优秀青年科技基金(含滚动支持)20.0万元主持2010.05-2011.12结题。

  • 金属/磁性氧化物双功能复合纳米管的制备及生物医学应用,国家自然科学基金面上项目,35.0万元,主持,2010.1-2012.12,结题。

  • 基于磁性纳米链的新型传感器制备及其化学和生物敏感性研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,30.0万元,主持,2007.1-2009.12,结题。

  • 锂离子电池正极材料磷酸钒锂的研发,安徽省科技攻关计划项目,28.0万元,主持,2015.1-2017.12,结题。


  • 第二届芜湖市最美科技工作者2023

  • 安徽省特支计划创新领军人才,2021

  • 安徽省自然科学二等奖(第一完成人),2012

  • 安徽省人民政府****,2012

  • 安徽省学术与技术带头人,2012

  • 安徽省教育工委优秀共产党员,2012

  • 第八届安徽省优秀青年科技创新奖2011

  • 第四、五届挑战杯安徽省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛优秀指导教师,20112013

  • Synthesis of Polyhedral ZnSnO3 Microcrystals with Controlled Exposed Facets and Their Selective Gas-Sensing Properties,安徽省自然科学优秀论文二等奖,2010

  • Low-temperature growth of β-Ga2O3 nanobelts through a simple thermochemical route and their phonon spectra properties”,安徽省自然科学优秀论文二等奖,2007


  • 王沁茹,国家奖学金,硕士研究生,2023年

  • 陈斐然,国家奖学金,硕士研究生,2023年

  • 唐丽君 等,六百光年杯第十五届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛,二等奖,2022

  • 王超,国家奖学金,博士研究生,2021

  • 董若浩,国家奖学金,硕士研究生,2019

  • 杜浩然,国家奖学金,硕士研究生,2017

  • 李敏,国家奖学金,硕士研究生,2017

  • 赵俊,国家奖学金,硕士研究生,2016

  • 王文海,国家奖学金,硕士研究生,2016

  • 鲁海胜,国家奖学金,硕士研究生,2014

  • 蒯龙,国家奖学金,博士研究生,2014

  • 王绍臻,国家奖学金,博士研究生,2013

  • 俞雪,国家奖学金,硕士研究生,2013

  • 周立珍,国家奖学金,硕士研究生,2013

  • 耿竞,第十届中国青少年科技创新奖2016

  • 耿竞,第十四届挑战杯全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛二等奖,2015

  • 蒯龙,第七届中国青少年科技创新奖2011

  • 蒯龙,第十二届挑战杯全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛一等奖,2011

  • 郭怡君,第十一届挑战杯全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛二等奖,2009



  • Jiahao Wang, Qinyuan Ji, Hu Zang, Yan Zhang, Changjiang Liu, Nan Yu, Baoyou Geng*, Atomically Dispersed Ga Synergy Lewis Acid-Base Pairs in F-doped Mesoporous Cu2O for Efficient Eletroreduction of CO2 to C2+  Products. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2024, 2404274.

  • Hu Zang, Changjiang Liu, Qinyuan Ji, Jiahao Wang, Haiyan Lu, Nan Yu, Baoyou Geng*, Enhancing local K+ adsorption by high-density cube corners for Efficient Eletroreduction of CO2 to C2+ Products. Chem. Sci. 2024, 15, 10858-10866.

  • Yan Zhang, Qinyuan Ji, Jiahao Wang, Shuai Chen, Hu Zang, Changjiang Liu, Nan Yu, Baoyou Geng*, Metal-organic frameworks derived frustrated Lewis acid-base pairs accelerate ion dynamics to dendrite-free solid-state lithium batteries. J. Power Sources 2024, 621, 235313.


  • Qinru Wang, Xiaofeng Yang, Hu Zang, Changjiang Liu, Jiahao Wang, Nan Yu, Long Kuai*, Qing Qin*, Baoyou Geng*, InBi Bimetallic Sites for Efficient Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 to HCOOH. Small 2023, 19, 2303172.

  • Chao Wang, Hu Zang, Changjiang Liu, Jiahao Wang, Long Kuai, Baoyou Geng*,  Synergistic Acid Hydrogen Evolution of Neighboring Pt Single Atoms and Clusters: Understanding Their Superior Activity and Mechanism. Inorg. Chem. 2023, 62(17), 6856-6863.

  • Yunqin Hu, Linlin Xiang, Long Kuai*, Yanyan Zhao, Sufeng Cao, Li Liu, Caihong Fang, Baoyou Geng*, PtClx Intermediates Strategy to Ultrahigh-Loading Sub-3 nm Pt/C Catalysts for H2-Air Fuel Cells. ACS Materials Lett. 2023, 5, 2256-2262.

  • Chao Wang, Feiran Chen, Qinru Wang, Xiaofeng Yang, Hu Zang, Nan Yu, Baoyou Geng*, Defect-stabilized platinum single atoms and clusters in bilayer nitrogen-doped porous carbon nanocages for synergistic catalysis of basic hydrogen evolution. Carbon 2023, 201, 278-284.

  • Feiran Chen, Yan Zhang, Shuai Chen, Hu Zang, Changjiang Liu, Hongxia Sun, Baoyou Geng*, Regulating the kinetics of zinc-ion migration in spinel ZnMn2O4 through iron doping boosted aqueous zinc-ion storage performance. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2023, 649, 703-712. 

  • Feiran Chen, Qinru Wang, Xiaofeng Yang, Chao Wang, Hu Zang, Yingwen Tang, Tao Li, and Baoyou Geng*, Construction of hollow mesoporous ZnMn2O4/C microspheres with carbon nanotubes embedded in shells for high-performance aqueous zinc ions batteries. Nano Res. 2023, 16(1), 1726-1732.

  • Tingjuan Wang, Feiran Chen, Jiahao Wang, Chao Wang, Long Kuai*, and Baoyou Geng*, MOF-derived multicomponent Fe2P-Co2P-Ni2P hollow architectures for efficient hydrogen evolution. Chem. Commun. 2023, 59, 298-301.

  • Xiaofeng Yang, Qinru Wang, Feiran Chen, Hu Zang, Changjiang Liu, Nan Yu, and Baoyou Geng*,  In-situ electrochemical restructuring of Cu2BiSx solid solution into Bi/CuxSy heterointerfaces enabling stabilization intermediates for high-performance CO2 electroreduction to formate. Nano Res. 2023, 16(5), 7974-7981.


  • Long Kuai*, Li Liu, Qingmei Tao, Nan Yu, Erjie Kan, Na Sun, Shoujie Liu*, and Baoyou Geng*, High-Areal Density Single-Atom/Metal Oxide Nanosheets: A Micro-Gas Blasting Synthesis and Superior Catalytic Properties. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202212338. 

  • Qinru Wang, Xiaofeng Yang, Hu Zang, Feiran Chen, Chao Wang, Nan Yu, Baoyou Geng*, Metal-Organic Framework-Derived BiIn Bimetallic Oxide Nanoparticles Embedded in Carbon Networks for Efficient Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 to Formate. Inorg. Chem. 2022, 61, 12003-12011.

  • Chao Wang, Wen Li, Andrey A. Kistanov, Harishchandra Singh, Yves Kayser, Wei Cao, Baoyou Geng*, Structural engineering and electronic state tuning optimization of molybdenum-doped cobalt hydroxide nanosheet self-assembled hierarchical microtubules for efficient electrocatalytic oxygen evolution. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2022, 628, 398-406.

  • Yan Zhou, Chao Wang, Feiran Chen, Tingjuan Wang, Yaoyao Ni, Nan Yu, Baoyou Geng*, Scalable fabrication of NiCoMnO4 yolk-shell microspheres with gradient oxygen vacancies for high-performance aqueous zinc ion batteries. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2022, 626, 314-323.

  • Yan Zhou, Chao Wang, Feiran Chen, Tingjuan Wang, Yaoyao Ni, Hongxia Sun, Nan Yu, Baoyou Geng*, Synchronous constructing ion channels and confined space of Co3O4 anode for high-performance lithium-ion batteries. Nano Res. 2022, 15(7), 6192-6199.

  • Tingjuan Wang, Chao Wang, Yaoyao Ni, Yan Zhou, Baoyou Geng*Hexamethylenetetramine induced multidimensional defects in Co2P nanosheets for efficient alkaline hydrogen evolution. Chem. Commun. 2022, 58, 6352-6355.

  • Chao Wang, Wen Li, Xiaodan Wang, Nan Yu, Hongxia Sun, Baoyou Geng*, Open N-doped carbon coated porous molybdenum phosphide nanorods for synergistic catalytic hydrogen evolution reaction. Nano Res. 2022, 15(3), 1824-1830.

  • Yaoyao Ni, Tingjuan Wang, Yan Zhou, Chao Wang, Yingwen Tang, Tao Li, Baoyou Geng*, Synergistic melamine intercalation and Zn(NO3)2 activation of N-doped porous carbon supported Fe/Fe3O4 for efficient electrocatalytic oxygen reduction. RSC Adv. 2022, 12, 15705-15712.


  • Chao Wang, Long Kuai, Wei Cao, Harishchandra Singh, Alexei Zakharov, Yuran Niu, Hongxia Sun, Baoyou Geng*, Highly dispersed Cu atoms in MOF-derived N-doped porous carbon inducing Pt loads for superior oxygen reduction and hydrogen evolution. Chem. Eng. J. 2021, 426, 130749.

  • Feiran Chen, Zheng Liu, Nan Yu, Hongxia Sun, Baoyou Geng*, Constructing an interspace in MnO@NC microspheres for superior lithium ion battery anodes. Chem. Commun. 2021, 57, 10951-10954.

  • Zheng Liu, Mengkang Yu, Xiaodan Wang, Fengyu Lai, Chao Wang, Nan Yu, Hongxia Sun, Baoyou Geng*, Sandwich shelled TiO2@Co3O4@Co3O4/C hollow spheres as anode materials for lithium ion batteries. Chem. Commun. 2021, 57, 1786-1789.

  • Jiaojiao Song, Yixuan Yang, Shoujie Liu, Lei Li, Nan Yu, Yuteng Fan, Zhiming Chen, Long Kuai*, Baoyou Geng*, Dispersion and support dictated properties and activities of Pt/metal oxide catalysts in heterogeneous CO oxidation. Nano Res. 2021, 14, 4841-4847.

  • Fengyu Lai, Xiaodan Wang, Zheng Liu, Chao Wang, Hongxia Sun, and Baoyou Geng*, In Situ Electrochemical Route to Bromide Anion-Adsorbed Coral-like Porous Silver Microspheres Achieving Highly Selective Electroreduction of CO2 to CO over a Wide Potential Range. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2021, 9, 6756-6763.

  • Xiaodan Wang, Chao Wang, Fengyu Lai, Hongxia Sun, Nan Yu, and Baoyou Geng*, Self-Supported CoFe-P Nanosheets as a Bifuntional Catalyst for Overall Water Splitting. ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2021, 4, 12083-12090.

  • Zheng Liu, Xiaodan Wang, Fengyu Lai, Chao Wang, Nan Yu, Hongxia Sun, Baoyou Geng*, Implanting MnO into a three-dimensional carbon network as superior anode materials for lithium-ion batteries. Chem. Eng. J. Adv. 2021, 8, 100146.


  • Long Kuai, Zheng Chen, Shoujie Liu, Erjie Kan, Nan Yu, Yiming Ren, Caihong Fang, Xingyang Li, Yadong Li* and Baoyou Geng*, Titania supported synergistic palladium single atoms and nanoparticles for room temperature ketone and aldehydes hydrogenation. Nature Commun. 2020, 11, 48.

  • Nan Yu, Wei Cao, Marko Huttula, Yves Kayser, Philipp Hoenicke, Burkhard Beckhoff, Fengyu Lai, Ruohao Dong, Hongxia Sun, Baoyou Geng*, Fabrication of FeNi hydroxides double-shell nanotube arrays with enhanced performance for oxygen evolution reaction. Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 2020, 261, 118193.

  • Hongxia Sun, Zheng Liu, Fengyu Lai, Xiaodan Wang, Chao Wang, Nan Yu, Baoyou Geng*, Freeze-drying assisted biotemplated route to 3D mesoporous Na3V2(PO4)3@NC composites as cathodes with high performance for sodium-ion batteries. Chem. Commun. 2020, 56, 11961-11964.

  • Yan Sang*, Xi Cao, Guangdong Dai, Lvxuan Wang, Yin Peng, Baoyou Geng*, Facile one-pot synthesis of novel hierarchical Bi2O3/Bi2S3 nanoflower photocatalyst with intrinsic p-n junction for efficient photocatalytic removals of RhB and Cr(VI). J. Hazardous Mater. 2020, 381, 120942.

  • Chao Wang, Xiaodan Wang, Fengyu Lai, Zheng Liu, Ruohao Dong, Wen Li, Hongxia Sun, and Baoyou Geng*, Pt Nanoparticles Supported on N-Doped Porous Carbon Derived from Metal-Organic Frameworks for Oxygen Reduction. ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2020, 3, 5698-5705.


  • Yixuan Sun, Yuanyuan Xia, Long Kuai, Hongxia Sun, Wei Cao, Marko Huttula, Ari-Pekka Honkanen, Mira Viljanen, Simo Huotari, and Baoyou Geng*, Defect-Driven Enhancement of Electrochemical Oxygen Evolution on Fe-Co-Al Ternary Hydroxides. ChemSusChem 2019, 12, 2564-2569.

  • Hongxia Sun, Haoran Du, Mengkang Yu, Kuangfu Huang, Nan Yu, Baoyou Geng*, Vesicular Li3V2(PO4)3/C hollow mesoporous microspheres as an efficient cathode material for lithium-ion batteries. Nano Res. 2019, 12, 1937-1942.

  • Haoran Du, Zheng Liu, Kuangfu Huang, Mengkang Yu, Hongxia Sun, Baoyou Geng*, Solubility-dependent gelatination toward N-doped SnOx/C deriving from commercial SnO2 for the ultrastable lithium storage. J. Power Sources 2019, 441, 227172.

  • Kuangfu Huang, Ruohao Dong, Chao Wang, Wen Li, Hongxia Sun, and Baoyou Geng*, Fe-Ni Layered Double Hydroxide Arrays with Homogeneous Heterostructure as Efficient Electrocatalysts for Overall Water Splitting. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2019, 7, 15073-15079.

  • Liming Ren, Chao Wang, Wen Li, Ruohao Dong, Hongxia Sun, Ning Liu*, Baoyou Geng*, Heterostructural NiFe-LDH@Ni3S2 nanosheet arrays as an efficient electrocatalyst for overall water splitting. Electrochim. Acta 2019, 318, 42-50.

  • Mengkang Yu, Yixuan Sun, Haoran Du, Chao Wang, Wen Li, Ruohao Dong, Hongxia Sun, Baoyou Geng*, Hollow porous carbon spheres doped with a low content of Co3Oas anode materials for high performance lithium-ion batteries. Electrochim. Acta 2019, 317, 562-569.

  • Caihong Fang*, Ting Bi, Qian Ding, Zhiqing Cui, Nan Yu, Xiaoxiao Xu, Baoyou Geng*, High-density Pd nanorod arrays on Au nanocrystals for high-performance ethanol electrooxidation. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 20117-20124.

  • Xin Cui, Meiling Chen, Rui Xiong, Jian Sun, Xiaowang Liu*, Baoyou Geng*, Ultrastable and efficient H2 production via membrane-free hybrid water electrolysis over a bifunctional catalyst of hierarchical Mo-Ni alloy nanoparticles. J. Mater. Chem. A 2019, 7, 16501-16507.


  • Long Kuai, Erjie Kan, Wei Cao, Marko Huttula, Sami Ollikkala, Taru Ahopelto, Ari-Pekka Honkanen, Simo Huotari, Wenhai Wang, Baoyou Geng*, Mesoporous LaMnO3+δ perovskite from spray-pyrolysis with superior performance for oxygen reduction reaction and Zn-air battery. Nano Energy 2018, 43, 81-90.

  • Long Kuai*, Shoujie Liu, Sufeng Cao, Yiming Ren, Erjie Kan, Yanyan Zhao, Nan Yu, Fang Li, Xingyang Li, Zhichuan Wu, Xiong Wang, Baoyou Geng*, Atomically Dispersed Pt/Metal Oxide Mesoporous Catalysts from Synchronous Pyrolysis-Deposition Route for Water-Gas Shift Reaction. Chem. Mater. 2018, 30, 5534-5538.

  • Haoran Du, Kuangfu Huang, Min Li, Yuanyuan Xia, Yixuan Sun, Mengkang Yu, and Baoyou Geng*, Gas template-assisted spray pyrolysis: A facile strategy to produce porous hollow Co3O4 with tunable porosity for high-performance lithium-ion battery anode materials. Nano Res. 2018, 11(3): 1490-1499.

  • Ruohao Dong, Haoran Du, Yixuan Sun, Kuangfu Huang, Wen Li, and Baoyou Geng*, Selective Reduction-Oxidation Strategy to the Conductivity-Enhancing Ag-Decorated Co-Based 2D Hydroxides as Efficient Electrocatalyst in Oxygen Evolution Reaction. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2018, 6, 13420-13426.


  • Wenhai Wang, Long Kuai, Wei Cao, Marko Huttula, Sami Ollikkala, Taru Ahopelto, Ari-Pekka Honkanen, Simo Huotari, Mengkang Yu, and Baoyou Geng*, Mass-Production of Mesoporous MnCo2O4 Spinels with Manganese (IV)- and Cobalt (II)-Rich Surfaces for Superior Bifunctional Oxygen Electrocatalysis. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 14977-14981. 

  • Min Li, Haoran Du, Long Kuai, Kuangfu Huang, Yuanyuan Xia, Baoyou Geng*, Scalable Dry Production Process of a Superior 3D Net-Like Carbon-Based Iron Oxide Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56(41), 12649-12653.

  • Haoran Du, Chao Yuan, Kuangfu Huang, Wenhai Wang, Kai Zhang, Baoyou Geng*, A novel gelatin-guided mesoporous bowknot-like Co3O4anode material for high-performance lithium-ion batteries. J. Mater. Chem. A. 2017, 5(11), 5342-5350.

  • Kai Zhang, Wenhai Wang, Long Kuai, Baoyou Geng *, A facile and efficient strategy to gram-scale preparation of composition-controllable Ni-Fe LDHs nanosheets for superior OER catalysis. Electrochim. Acta 2017, 225, 303-309.


  • Caihong Fang, Guili Zhao, Yanling Xiao, Jun Zhao, Zijun Zhang, Baoyou Geng*, Facile Growth of High-Yield Gold Nanobipyramids Induced by Chloroplatinic Acid for High Refractive Index Sensing Properties. Sci. Rep. 2016, 6: 36706.

  • Jing Geng, Long Kuai, Erjie Kan, Yan Sang, Baoyou Geng*, Hydrothermal Synthesis of a rGO Nanosheet Enwrapped NiFe Nanoalloy for Superior Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution Reactions. Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22(41), 14480-14483.

  • Qing Wang, Jing Geng, Chao Yuan, Long Kuai, and Baoyou Geng*, Mesoporous spherical Li4Ti5O12/TiO2 composites as an excellent anode material for lithium-ion batteries. Electrochim. Acta 2016, 212, 41-46.

  • Wenhai Wang, Jing Geng, Long Kuai, Min Li, Baoyou Geng*, Porous Mn2O3: A Low-Cost Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Alkaline Media with Comparable Activity to Pt/C. Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22(29), 9909-9913.

  • Nan Yu, Ruohao Dong, Jinjin Liu, Kuangfu Huang, Baoyou Geng*, Synthesis of Ag/Ag2CO3 heterostructures with high length-diameter ratios for excellent photoactivity and anti-photocorrosion. RSC Adv. 2016, 6(106), 103938-103943.

  • Nan Yu, Jiali Hao, Qing Wang, Kuangfu Huang, Baoyou Geng*, Self-assembled porous ceria nanostructures with excellent water solubility and antioxidant properties. RSC Adv. 2016, 6(51), 45957-45962.


  • Lingxiao Wang, Jing Geng, Wenhai Wang, Chao Yuan, Long Kuai, Baoyou Geng*, Facile synthesis of Fe/Ni bimetallic oxide solid-solution nanoparticles with superior electrocatalytic activity for oxygen evolution reaction. Nano Res. 2015, 8(12), 3815-3822.

  • Erjie Kan, Long Kuai, Wenhai Wang , Baoyou Geng*, Delivery of Highly Active Noble-Metal Nanoparticles into Microspherical Supports by an Aerosol-Spray Method. Chem. Eur. J. 2015, 21, 13291-13296.

  • Long Kuai, Junxin Wang, Tian Ming, Caihong Fang, Zhenhua Sun, Baoyou Geng* & Jianfang Wang*, Aerosol-spray diverse mesoporous metal oxides from metal nitrates, Sci. Rep. 2015, 5.

  • Yanyan Zhao, Long Kuai, Yanguo Liu, Pengpeng Wang, Hamidreza Arandiyan, Sufeng Cao, Jie Zhang, Fengyun Li, Qing Wang, Baoyou Geng* & Hongyu Sun*, Well-Constructed Single-Layer Molybdenum Disulfide Nanorose Cross-Linked by Three Dimensional-Reduced Graphene Oxide Network for Superior Water Splitting and Lithium Storage Property, Sci. Rep. 2015, 5.

  • Jing Geng, Long Kuai, Erjie Kan, Qing Wang and Baoyou Geng*, Precious-Metal-Free Co-Fe-O/rGO Synergetic Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Evolution Reaction by a Facile Hydrothermal Route, ChemSusChem 2015, 8, 659-664.

  • Yan Sang, Yan Huang, Wu wang, Zhen Fang and  Baoyou Geng* , Low cost visible light driven plasmonic Ag-AgBr/BiVO4 system: fabrication and application as an efficient photocatalyst, RSC Adv. 2015, 5, 39651-39656.


  • Yadong Liu, Zhen Fang, Long Kuai and Baoyou Geng*,  One-pot facile synthesis of reusable tremella-like M1@M2@M1(OH)2 (M1 = Co, Ni, M2 = Pt/Pd, Pt, Pd and Au) three layers core-shell nanostructures as highly efficient catalysts, Nanoscale 2014, 6, 9791-9797.

  • Hai-Sheng Lu, Linlu Bai, Wei-Wei Xiong, Peizhou Li, Junfeng Ding, Guodong Zhang,Tom Wu, Yanli Zhao, Jong-Min Lee, Yanhui Yang*, Baoyou Geng* and Qichun Zhang*, Surfactant Media To Grow New Crystalline Cobalt 1,3,5-Benzenetricarboxylate Metal-Organic Frameworks, Inorg. Chem. 2014, 53(16), 8529-8537.

  • Long Kuai, Jing Geng, Changyu Chen, Erjie Kan, Yadong Liu, Qing Wang, Baoyou Geng*,  A Reliable Aerosol-Spray-Assisted Approach to Produce and Optimize Amorphous Metal Oxide Catalysts for Electrochemical Water Splitting, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 7547-7551.

  • Yan Sang, Long Kuai, Changyu Chen, Zhen Fang, Baoyou Geng*. Fabrication of a Visible-Light-Driven Plasmonic Photocatalyst of AgVO3@AgBr@Ag Nanobelt Heterostructures, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2014, 6(7), 5061-5068.


  • Wenzheng Li, Long Kuai, Lu Chen, Baoyou Geng*, “Re-growth Etching” to Large-sized Porous Gold Nanostructures, Sci. Rep. 2013, 3: 2377.  

  • Lu Chen, Long Kuai, Xue Yu, Wenzheng Li, Baoyou Geng*, Advanced Catalytic Performance of Au–Pt Double-Walled Nanotubes and Their Fabrication through Galvanic Replacement Reaction, Chem. Eur. J. 2013, 19, 11753–11758.

  • Shaozhen Wang, Long Kuai, Yucheng Huang, Xue Yu, Yadong Liu, Wenzheng Li, Lu Chen, and Baoyou Geng*. A Highly Efficient, Clean-Surface, Porous Platinum Electrocatalyst and the Inhibition Effect of Surfactants on Catalytic Activity. Chem. Eur. J. 2013, 19, 240-248. (VIP paper, Back cover)

  • Wenzheng Li, Long Kuai, Qing Qin, Baoyou Geng*. Ag-Au bimetallic nanostructures: co-reduction synthesis and their component-dependent performance for enzyme-free H2O2 sensing. J. Mater. Chem. A 2013, 1, 7111-7117.

  • Lu Chen, Long Kuai and Baoyou Geng*. Shell structure-enhanced electrocatalytic performance of Au-Pt core-shell catalyst. CrystEngComm 2013, 15, 2133-2136.


  • Yixing Ye, Baoyou Geng*, Magnetic Nanotubes: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications, Crit. Rev. Solid State Mater. Sci. 2012, 37, 75-93. (Invited review)

  • Long Kuai, Baoyou Geng*, Shaozhen Wang and Yan Sang, A General and High-Yield Galvanic Displacement Approach to Au-M (M=Au, Pd, and Pt) Core-Shell Nanostructures with Porous Shells and Enhanced Electrocatalytic Performances, Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 9423-9429.

  • Lizhen Zhou, Long Kuai, Wenzheng Li, and Baoyou Geng*, Ion-Exchange Route to Au-CuxOS Yolk-Shell Nanostructures with Porous Shells and Their Ultrasensitive H2O2 Detection. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2012, 4, 6463-6467.

  • Yixing Ye, Long Kuai, Baoyou Geng*, A template-free route to a Fe3O4-Co3O4 yolk-shell nanostructure as a noble-metal free electrocatalyst for ORR in alkaline media, J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 19132-19138.

  • Long Kuai, Xue Yu, Shaozhen Wang, Yan Sang, Baoyou Geng*, Au-Pd Alloy and Core-Shell Nanostructures: One-Pot Coreduction Preparation, Formation Mechanism, and Electrochemical Properties, Langmuir 2012, 28, 7168-7173.

  • Xue Yu, Long Kuai, Baoyou Geng*, CeO2/rGO/Pt sandwich nanostructure: rGO-enhanced electron transmission between metal oxide and metal nanoparticles for anodic methanol oxidation of direct methanol fuel cells, Nanoscale 2012, 4, 5738-5743.

  • Nan Yu, Long Kuai, Qing Wang and Baoyou Geng*, Pt nanoparticles residing in the pores of porous LaNiO3 nanocubes as high-efficiency electrocatalyst for direct methanol fuel cells, Nanoscale 2012, 4, 5386-5393.

  • Baoyou Geng*, Bo Tao, Xuelian Li, Wenjing Wei, Ni2+/surfactant-assisted route to porous α-Fe2O3 nanoarchitectures, Nanoscale 2012, 4, 1671-1676.

  • Yanyan Zhao, Long Kuai, Baoyou Geng*, Low-cost and highly efficient composite visible light-driven Ag-AgBr/gamma-Al2O3 plasmonic photocatalyst for degrading organic pollutants, Catal. Sci. Technol. 2012, 2, 1269-1274.

  • Chunhua Wang, Yixing Ye, Bo Tao, Baoyou Geng*, Hydrothermal route to twinned-hemisphere-like CuO architectures with selective adsorption performance, CrystEngComm 2012, 14, 3677-3683.

  • Jie Yang, Baoyou Geng*, Yixing Ye and Xue Yu, Stick-like titania precursor route to MTiO3(M = Sr, Ba, and Ca) polyhedra, CrystEngComm 2012, 14, 2959-2965.

  • Shaozhen Wang, Long Kuai, Xing Han, Baoyou Geng*, Branched twinned Au nanostructures: facile hydrothermal reduction fabrication, growth mechanism and electrochemical properties, CrystEngComm 2012, 14, 6581–6585.

  • Bo Tao, Qian Zhang,Zezhong Liu, Baoyou Geng*, Cooperative effect of pH value and anions on single-crystalline hexagonal and circular α-Fe2O3 nanorings, Mater. Chem. Phys. 2012, 136, 604-612.


  • Long Kuai, Baoyou Geng,* Shaozhen Wang, Yanyan Zhao, Yinchan Luo, Han Jiang, Silver and Gold Icosahedra: One-Pot Water-Based Synthesis and Their Superior Performance in the Electrocatalysis for Oxygen Reduction Reactions in Alkaline Media, Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 3482-3489.

  • Han Jiang, Baoyou Geng*, Long Kuai, Shaozhen Wang, Simultaneous reduction-etching route to Pt/ZnSnO3 hollow polyhedral architectures for methanol electrooxidation in alkaline media with superior performance, Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 2447-2449.

  • Long Kuai, Shaozhen Wang, Baoyou Geng*, Gold-platinum yolk-shell structure: a facile galvanic displacement synthesis and highly active electrocatalytic properties for methanol oxidation with super CO-tolerance, Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 6093-6095.

  • Qian Wang, Baoyou Geng*, Bo Tao, A facile room temperature chemical route to Pt nanocube/carbon nanotube heterostructures with enhanced electrocatalysis, J. Power Sources 2011, 196, 191-195.

  • Zhoujing Xing, Baoyou Geng*, Xuelian Li, Han Jiang, Chengxin Feng and Ting Ge, Self-assembly fabrication of 3D porous quasi-flower-like ZnO nanostrip clusters for photodegradation of an organic dye with high performance, CrystEngComm 2011, 13, 2137-2142.

  • Baoyou Geng*, Jun Liu, Yanyan Zhao, Chunhua Wang, A room-temperature chemical route to homogeneous core-shell Cu2O structures and their application in biosensors, CrystEngComm 2011, 13, 697-701.

  • Shaozhen Wang, Jiahui You, Baoyou Geng* and Zhiguo Cheng, Fabrication of ZnSe hexagonal prism with pyramid end through the chemical vapour deposition route, CrystEngComm 2011, 13, 668-673.

  • Xuelian Li, Wenjing Wei, Shaozhen Wang, Long Kuai, Baoyou Geng*, Single-crystalline α-Fe2O3 oblique nanoparallelepipeds: High-yield synthesis, growth mechanism and structure enhanced gas-sensing properties, Nanoscale 2011, 3, 718-724.

  • Chengxin Feng, Shaozhen Wang, Baoyou Geng*, Ti (IV) doped WO3 nanocuboids: fabrication and enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalytic performance, Nanoscale 2011, 3, 3695-3699.

  • Ting Ge, Long Kuai, Baoyou Geng*, Solution-phase chemical route to branched single-crystalline CdS nanoarchitectures and their field emission property, J. Alloys Compd. 2011, 509, L353-L358.


  • Qian Wang, Baoyou Geng*, Shaozhen Wang, Yixing Ye, Bo Tao, Modified Kirkendall effect for fabrication of magnetic nanotubes, Chem. Commun. 2010, 46, 1899-1901.

  • Long Kuai, Baoyou Geng*, Xiaoting Chen, Yanyan Zhao, Yinchan Luo, Facile Subsequently Light-Induced Route to Highly Efficient and Stable Sunlight-Driven Ag-AgBr Plasmonic Photocatalyst, Langmuir 2010, 26(24), 18723-18727.

  • Zhiguo Cheng, Shaozhen Wang, Qian Wang, Baoyou Geng*, A facile solution chemical route to self-assembly of CuS ball-flowers and their application as an efficient photocatalyst, CrystEngComm 2010, 12, 144-149.

  • Dajie Si, Baoyou Geng*, Shaozhen Wang, One-step synthesis and morphology evolution of luminescent Eu2+ doped strontium aluminate nanostructures, CrystEngComm 2010, 12, 2722-2727.

  • Baoyou Geng*, Jun Liu, Chunhua Wang, Multi-layer ZnO architectures: Polymer induced synthesis and their application as gas sensors, Sens. Actuators, B 2010, 150, 742-748.

  • Yan Sang, Baoyou Geng*, Jie Yang, Fabrication and growth mechanism of three-dimensional spherical TiO2 architectures consisting of TiO2 nanorods with {110} exposed facets, Nanoscale 2010, 2, 2109-2113.

  • Zhiguo Cheng, Shaozhen Wang, Dajie Si, Baoyou Geng*, Controlled synthesis of copper sulfide 3D nanoarchitectures through a facile hydrothermal route, J. Alloys Compd. 2010, 492, L44-L49.

  • Caihong Fang, Shaozhen Wang, Qian Wang, Jun Liu, Baoyou Geng*, Coralloid SnO2 with hierarchical structure and their application as recoverable gas sensors for the detection of benzaldehyde/acetone, Mater. Chem. Phys. 2010, 122, 30-34.


  • Caihong Fang, Baoyou Geng*, Jun Liu and Fangming Zhan, D-fructose molecule template route to ultra-thin ZnSnO3 nanowire architectures and their application as efficient photocatalyst, Chem. Commun. 2009, 2350-2352.

  • Fangming Zhan, Baoyou Geng*, Yijun Guo, Porous Co3O4 Nanosheets with Extraordinarily High Discharge Capacity for Lithium Batteries, Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15, 6169-6174.

  • Qian Wang, Baoyou Geng*, Shaozhen Wang, ZnO/Au Hybrid Nanoarchitectures: Wet-Chemical Synthesis and Structurally Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance Environ. Sci. Technol. 2009, 43, 8968-8973.

  • Qian Wang, Baoyou Geng*, Shaozhen Wang, Jun Liu, Zhiguo Cheng and Dajie Si, A facile sonochemical route to morphology controlled nickel complex mesostructures, CrystEngComm 2009, 11, 1317-1322.

  • Shaozhen Wang, Qian Wang, Jun Liu, Zhiguo Cheng, Dajie Si and Baoyou Geng*, Kinetic manipulation of the morphology evolution of FePO4 microcrystals: from rugbies to porous microspheres, CrystEngComm 2009, 11, 2510-2515.

  • Jun Liu, Baoyou Geng,* and Shaozhen Wang, Preparation and Usage of ZnS/Phosphate Heterostructured Hemispheres in Enhanced Photocatalytic Activities, Cryst. Growth Des. 2009, 9(10), 4384-4390.

  • Jun Liu, Shaozhen Wang, Qian Wang, Baoyou Geng*, Microwave chemical route to self-assembled quasi-spherical Cu2O microarchitectures and their gas-sensing properties, Sens. Actuators, B 2009, 143, 253-260.

  • Fangming Zhan, Baoyou Geng*, Yijun Guo, Lei Wang, One-step synthesis of hierarchical carnation-like NiS superstructures via a surfactant-free aqueous solution route, J. Alloys Compd. 2009, 482, L1-L5.

  • Baoyou Geng*, Jinzhu Ma, Fangmin Zhan, A solution chemistry approach for one-dimensional needle-like SrAl2O4 nanostructures with Ln (Ce3+, Eu2+ and Tb3+) as activator/dopant, J. Alloys Compd. 2009, 473, 530-533.

  • Baoyou Geng*, Jinzhu Ma, Fangming Zhan, A solution phase thermal decomposition molecule precursor route to ZnS: Cu2+ nanorods and their optical properties, Mater. Chem. Phys. 2009, 113, 534-538.

  • Nan Yu, Baoyou Geng*, Jiahui You, Fangming Zhan, Morphology Controllable Synthesis of SrSn(OH)6:Eu3+ Microstructures and Their Transformation to Luminescent SrSnO3: Eu3+, Sci. Adv. Mater. 2009, 1, 18-24.


  • Baoyou Geng*, Caihong Fang, Fangming Zhan, and Nan Yu, Synthesis of Polyhedral ZnSnO3 Microcrystals with Controlled Exposed Facets and Their Selective Gas-Sensing Properties, Small 2008, 4(9), 1337-1343.

  • Baoyou Geng*, Fangming Zhan, Han Jiang, Yijun Guo, Zhoujing Xing, Egg Albumin as a Nanoreactor for Growing Single-crystalline Fe3O4Nanotubes with High Yields, Chem. Commun. 2008, 5773-5775. (Highlighted by Chemical Science and Nature China).

  • Baoyou Geng*, Fangming Zhan, Caihong Fang, and Nan Yu, A Facile Coordination Compound Precursor Route to Controlled Synthesis of Co3O4 Nanostructures and Their Room-temperature Gas Sensing Properties, J. Mater. Chem. 2008, 18, 4977-4984.

  • Yijun Guo, Baoyou Geng*, Li Zhang, Fangming Zhan, Jiahui You, Fabrication, Characterization, and Strong Exciton Emission of Multilayer ZnTe Nanowire Superstructures, J. Phys. Chem. C 2008, 112, 20307-20311.

  • Baoyouu Geng*, Jinzhu Ma, Jiahui You, Controllable Synthesis of Single-crystalline Fe3O4 Polyhedra Possessing the Active Basal Facets, Cryst. Growth Des. 2008, 8(5), 1443-1447.

  • Baoyou Geng*, Fangming Zhan, Han Jiang, Zhoujing Xing, Caihong Fang, Facile Production of Self-Assembly Hierarchical Dumbbell-Like CoOOH Nanostructures and Their Room-Temperature CO-Gas-Sensing Properties, Cryst. Growth Des. 2008, 8(10), 3497-3500.

  • Baoyou Geng*, Jiahui You, Fangming Zhan, Mingguang Kong, Caihong Fang, Controllable Morphology Evolution and Photoluminescence of ZnSe Hollow Microspheres, J. Phys. Chem. C 2008, 112, 11301-11306.

  • Baoyou Geng*, Xiaowang Liu, Qingbo Du, Jinzhu Ma, Xianming Liu, Size-dependent blue luminescent CdS nanocrystals synthesized through a single-source molecular precursor route, Mater. Res. Bull. 2008, 43, 1093-1098.


  • Baoyou Geng*, Jinzhu Ma, Xiaowang Liu, Qingbo Du, Hydrophilic polymer assisted synthesis of room-temperature ferromagnetic Fe3O4 nanochains, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2007, 90, 043120.

  • Baoyou Geng*, Xiaowang Liu, Jinzhu Ma, Qingbo Du, Size-dependent optical and electrochemical band gaps of ZnS nanorods fabricated through single molecule precursor route, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2007, 90, 183106. (Selected in Virtual Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology)

  • Xiaowang Liu, Baoyou Geng*, Qingbo Dua, Jinzhu Ma, Xianming Liu, Temperature-controlled self-assembled synthesis of CuO, Cu2O and Cu nanoparticles through a single-precursor route, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 2007, 448, 7.

  • Baoyou Geng*, Jinzhu Ma, Qingbo Du, Xiaowang Liu, Synthesis of hollow carbon nanospheres through a ZnSe nanoparticle template route, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 2007, 466, 96.

  • Baoyou Geng*, Xiaowang Liu,Qingbo Du, Xianwen Wei, Structure and optical properties of periodically twinned ZnS nanowires, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2006, 88, 163104.

  • Baoyou Geng*, Qingbo Du, Xiaowang Liu, Jinzhu Ma, Xianwen Wei, Lide Zhang, One-step synthesis and enhanced blue emission of carbon-encapsulated single-crystalline ZnSe nanoparticles, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2006, 89, 033115.

  • Baoyou Geng*, Xiaowang Liu, Xianwen Wei and Shaowu Wang, Large-scale synthesis of single-crystalline ZnO nanotubes based on polymer-inducement, Mater. Res. Bull. 2006, 41 (10), 1979-1983.

  • Baoyou Geng*, Xiaowang Liu, Xianwen Wei, Shaowu Wang, Lide Zhang, Low-temperature growth of b-Ga2O3 nanobelts through a simple thermochemical route and their phonon spectra properties, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2005, 87, 113101.

  • Baoyou Geng*, Xiaowang Liu, Xianwen Wei, Shaowu Wang, Synthesis, characterization and optical properties of regularly shaped, single-crystalline sisal-like ZnO nanostructures, Mater. Lett. 2005, 59, 3572-3576.


  • Baoyou Geng*, Lide Zhang, Guozhong Wang, Ting Xie, Yugang Zhang, and Guowen Meng, Synthesis and photoluminescence properties of ZnMnS nanobelts, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2004, 84(12), 2157-2159.

  • Baoyou Geng*, Yugang Zhang, Gui Wang, Ting Xie, Guowen Meng and Lide Zhang, Growth of single-crystal ZnS nanobelts through a low-temperature thermochemistry route and their optical properties, Applied Physics: A 2004, 79, 1761-1763.

  • Baoyou Geng*,Guowen Meng, Lide Zhang, Guozhong Wang, Xinsheng Peng, CdSe-Filled silica nanotubes, Chem. Commun. 2003, 2572-2573.

  • Baoyou Geng*, Guozhong Wang, Zhi Jiang, Ting Xie, Shuhui Sun, Guowen Meng, Lide Zhang, Synthesis and optical properties of S-doped ZnO nanowires, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2003, 82(26), 4791-4793.  

  • Baoyou Geng*, Yu Lin, Xingsheng Peng, Guowen Meng, Lide Zhang, Large-scale synthesis of single-crystalline Te nanobelts by a low-temperature chemical vapour deposition route, Nanotechnology 2003, 14, 983-986.

  • Baoyou Geng*, Lide Zhang, Guowen Meng, Ting Xie, Xinsheng Peng, Yu Lin, Large-scale synthesis and photoluminescence of single-crystalline b-Ga2O3 nanobelts, J. Cryst. Growth 2003, 259, 291-295.

  • Baoyou Geng*, Ting Xie, Xinsheng Peng, Yu Lin, Xiaoyou Yuan, Guowen Meng, Lide Zhang, Large-scale synthesis of ZnO nanowires using a low-temperature chemical route and their photoluminescence properties, Appl. Phys. A 2003, 77, 363-366.


  • 耿保友,刘小网,一种磁性纳米链的制备和使用方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL 200610161561.5

  • 耿保友,桑艳,一种多功能金红石型纳米二氧化钛粉体的制备方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL 200810123126.2

  • 耿保友,王倩,一维纳米复合材料的制备方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL 200910116668.1

  • 耿保友,詹方明,四氧化三钴多孔纳米片的制备方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL 200910116443.6

  • 耿保友,蒯龙,一种高效纳米银/溴化银太阳光光催化材料及其制备方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL201010174181.1

  • 耿保友,叶一星,一种四氧化三铁-四氧化三钴多孔磁性复合材料的制备方法及其应用,发明专利,专利号:ZL 201210021078.2

  • 耿保友,余楠,一种纳米氧化铈复合材料及其制备方法、抗氧化性,发明专利,专利号:ZL 201310452441.0

  • 耿保友,袁超,一种多孔四氧化三钴材料的制备方法及其应用,发明专利,专利号:ZL201510158913.0

  • 耿保友,刘亚东,一种钴/贵金属/氢氧化钴纳米复合材料、制备方法及其应用,发明专利,专利号:ZL201410250091.4

  • 耿保友,刘亚东,一种镍/贵金属相氢氧化镍纳米复合材料、制备方法及其应用,发明专利,专利号:ZL201410249473.5

  • 耿竞,蒯龙,耿保友,NiFe合金纳米粒子/石墨烯复合材料及其制备方法和应用,发明专利,专利号:ZL201610518702.8

  • 耿保友,王文海,蒯龙,李敏,一种多孔MnCo2O4及其制备方法和应用,发明专利,专利号:ZL201510887941.6

  • 耿保友,王文海,蒯龙,一种Mn2O3及其制备方法以及在ORR中的应用,发明专利,专利号:201510779849.8

  • 耿保友,张凯,类银耳状的Fe-Ni双金属氢氧化物、析氧电极及其制备方法和应用,发明专利,专利号:ZL 201510790994.6

  • 耿保友,汪清,一种球形多孔钛酸锂/二氧化钛复合材料、制备方法及其应用,发明专利,专利号:ZL 201510058986.2

  • 耿保友,孙红霞,空心球磷酸钒锂/碳复合电池正极材料及其制备方法和应用,发明专利,专利号:ZL 201710022578.0

  • 耿保友,孙红霞,近立方体磷酸钒锂及其制备方法、锂离子电池及其电极材料,发明专利,专利号:ZL 201610884956.1

  • 耿保友,孙奕璇,片状Co(NH3)5(NO2)(NO3)2纳米材料及其制备方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL 201710610055.8

  • 耿保友,董若浩,银掺杂的氢氧化钴材料及其制备方法和应用,发明专利,专利号:ZL 201810212642.6

  • 耿保友,杜浩然,多孔球形四氧化三钴电极材料及其制备方法和应用,发明专利,专利号:ZL 201610670497.7

  • 蒯龙,阚二姐,任一鸣,耿保友,一种Pd1+NPS/TiO2纳米粒子单原子协同加氢催化剂及其制备方法和应用,发明专利,专利号:ZL 201811329469.4

  • 耿保友,王晓丹,李文,N掺杂多孔碳包覆的MoP纳米棒材料及其制备方法和应用,发明专利,专利号:ZL 202010939066.2

  • 耿保友,任黎明,异质结构的铁镍基层状双氢氧化物@二硫化三镍复合物阵列电催化剂极其制备方法和应用,发明专利,专利号:ZL 01910390168.0

  • 耿保友,周彦,N掺杂多孔碳包覆Mn-Co-Ni氧化物核壳结构电极材料及其制备方法和应用,发明专利,专利号:ZL 202111552010.2

  • 耿保友,倪瑶瑶,氮掺杂生物质衍生多孔碳负载Fe3O4/Fe复合材料及其制备方法和应用,发明专利,专利号:ZL 202111562039.


  • 耿保友,负载型贵金属催化结构调控与性能研究,2023 能源与材料学术会议暨国际产学研用合作会议,2023 年12月22至24日,安徽合肥邀请报告

  • Baoyou GengPreparation and Lithium Storage Performance of Transition Metal Compound/Carbon Composite, The Second International Conference on Electrochemical Energy Systems(第二届国际电化学能源系统大会),14th-17th  May 2021, Shaoxing, Zhejiang, China, Invited Talk.

  • 耿保友负载型催化剂分散度调控及催化性能研究,安徽省第一届催化学术会议,2021528日至31日,安徽淮北,邀请报告

  • Baoyou Geng, Structural Regulation and Electrochemical Properties of Transition Metal Oxides, International Conference on Energy and Environmental Materials (ICEE M), 30th July-2nd August 2018, Hefei, China, Invited Talk.

  • 耿保友Au-Pt Core-Rods Nanostructures and Their Superior Electrocatalytic Performance for Methanol Oxidation,中国化学会第六届全国结构化学学术会议,20121022日至26日,苏州,邀请报告

  • 耿保友,低铂/非铂纳米结构的构筑及其对燃料电池的电催化活性,中国化学会第八届全国无机化学学术会议,2011725日至29日,哈尔滨,邀请报告

  • 蒯龙,王绍臻,耿保友*Au-Pd Yolk-Shell 纳米结构:构筑及直接乙醇燃料电池催化,中国化学会第八届全国无机化学学术会议论文,2011725日至29日,哈尔滨。

  • 蒯龙,王绍臻,耿保友*,一步水热法制备Au@Pd 核壳纳米结构及电催化ORR 性能,中国化学会第八届全国无机化学学术会议论文,2011725日至29日,哈尔滨。

  • 王绍臻,蒯龙,耿保友*,水热法制备枝杈状Au 纳米结构及其电化学ORR 性能,中国化学会第八届全国无机化学学术会议论文,2011725日至29日,哈尔滨。

  • 王倩,王绍臻,程志国,耿保友*,铂基直接甲醇燃料电池催化剂的研究进展,第十届全国氢能学术会议暨第二届两岸三地氢能研讨会会议论文,2009917日至20日,天津。

  • Qian Wang, Shaozhen Wang, Zhiguo Cheng, Jun Liu and Baoyou Geng *, Pt Nanocube/Carbon-Nanotube Heterostructures as Advanced Fuel Cell Electrocatalyst, 第十届全国氢能学术会议暨第二届两岸三地氢能研讨会墙展,2009917日至20日,天津。

  • 耿保友*,刘小网,马金珠,杜庆波,单分散ZnS纳米棒的制备及其光学和电化学相关性研究,中国化学会第七届全国无机化学学术会议论文,2007718日至22日,呼和浩特。

  • 耿保友,Controllable Synthesis and Properties of Low-dimensional Nanostructures中国化学会第七届全国无机化学学术会议分会报告,2007718日至22日,呼和浩特。


  • Baoyou Geng, Controlled Synthesis, Characterizations and Applications of Metal Oxide Nanostructures, a book chapter of 《Metal Oxide Nanostructures and Their Applications》, American Scientific Publishers, 2009.

  • 耿保友,《新材料科技导论》,浙江大学出版社,20075月。

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